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Why Managers Fail?
In fact, there are many reasons that lead to mangers failure:

1-   They take their eye  off the ball, which means managers might for a reason or another get distracted; they might get to involved doing  something else; they might have to disappear or they might simply gated because they trust success . Now as a manager you can never ever trust success in fact success is the most dangerous thing for the business or any organization because managers believe that if things are successful now it means things can be successful forever. So, as a manager  or a team leader  always keep your eye on the show, never take things integrated, have a  very high level of construction and focus   because after all  this is what you need , what your team members need and what the organization needs . focus is contagious, the more focused you are as a manager the more focused your team members will be and more predicted organization will turn up to be more generally and vice versa. "Keep your eye on the ball" be on the top of the things you can't be disconnected what is going around you internally and externally in your field.


2-   "lack of genuine communication" 

you are as a  team manager or a team leader you need to  pose a cultural of  communication,  you need to communicate with your team on a daily bases and you need to build a strategy that can make team members communicate with one another and even with customers. Remember the better you can communicate with your team the better your team communicate with your customers. So, as a manger communicate with your team members and they need you to communicate with them and feel that they are part of the place. Here comes a good point" is it true that you need to share however you need to control the amount share with your team members". Let's say that you got bad news, good news and you still not sure of how true the news is, you can't go and spread the word and gather the team. Just control the amount of information you want to share with your team members and know when to share, how to share and who to share with.

Now to finish with communication I will highlight another important point " effective listening" when one of your team member comes to you to a personal talker, business talker   or a consultation and your job there listen effectively please don't under-esteem   this matter as a team leader you need to be a very good model or an effective listener because to be an effective listener is part be an effective manager. Your team will admire you then will look up to you when they feel that you are truly listening to them and you're consider you talk in a very important business meeting just talk without any kind of  interruption and let them feel  that you care about listening to them , let them feel that you value them and  let them that you are generous with them not financially but  also generous with them with  your knowledge and timing.


3-   "Not have the right people on board"

just make sure that you're as manager you have the best of the best on your team because only the strongest ones who is doing the difference in the organization. Just also remember that one low achiever might affect the whole business and might even kill the team moral. these all comes to very clear standard while recruiting and hiring just remember three main rules  in this domain:

  •     Don't hire people, hire attitudes.
  •     Don't hire people, hire talents.
  •     Don't hire because you have to hire because you have no options, because of any pressure external, internal force

Just hire because this one can 110% fight into the organization culture and also working with the strongest people will help you build leaders in the place and  it what  could be better than have leaders in every field in the organization. This is why people work with you they want you to take their hands to the next level, they want you to  

Prepare them to be leaders in the coming day. They need to feel that a huge difference between the before they're working with your stage and after working with your stage. It's a big responsibility for you as a team manager.


In brief, you are as a manager to far for the failure:

  •   Keep your eye on the ball and never trust success.
  •   Boost a culture of genuine communication and be an effective listener.
  •   Have the best of the best and hire talents and attitudes in your team.  


4-   They fail to build a culture of trust, which is a backbone in the success of any organization which is the trust between the team and the management, the trust between the customers and the organization and the trust among the team members. You have to be aware that your full responsibility to create monitoring assisting the trust environment at the work place. You have to gain your trust team and every stakeholder.

You have to consider the following five questions:

  •       Are you leading with integrity?
  •       Are you leading with your team's interest in your head?
  •       Are you competent enough both technically and practically at management?
  •       Are you strong enough to protect your team and fight their rights?
  •       Are you leading with emotional intelligence?

Are you showing in a high level of sympathy and empathy by putting yourself in your teams' shoes by asking yourself a question how would it feel if I were there? And then you act accordingly.


Trust takes time and efforts and it is not happen overnight. In fact, it comes as a result of consistent actions and daily practices especially in the kind of management.

Trust is something you cannot ask for, you cannot go to your team and say trust me. It is a reward of your team member.

Lack of trust can be a real problem for you and the organization. It can make your best people leave the organization, because nobody likes to work in an organization lacks of trust.

As a manager do whatever thinks to build a trust in the organization, and work very hard to make trust one of your prop values.


5-   They don't work with their team on a clear vision, mission and values.

Your team need to had clear vision, they need to feel they are part of it, they need to come to the organization to achieve its' goals on the short run, and its' vision on the long run and it is the management job to involve the team in the vision of the place.

There is a famous story of NASA when John Canady visited NASA in Iran into restroom cleaning  and just for funny said  him "what are you doing? " he said: I'm helping the guys on the  moon. It is a surprising answer for everybody, but the question here: "who is behind that answer?" the management who made the vision is clear to everybody in the organization including the restroom cleaner.  

Team members also need to know the clear mission, they need to know what the organization needs in the first place, what are the promises give to the customers?

Values are considered to be the pillar of any organization and values are nothing without the culture of the place. Your team members need to work on clear values they need to feel them and practice them.

Your are as a manger you need to be the first one applying and putting those values into practicing and if you do not do your team members will never do because you are a role model to follow and again if you don't do, you will lose your trust of your team members.


6-   They are unclear of the vital role of appreciation.

Team members might choose to  stay or leave depending on the appreciation because appreciation is a human need and you are as a manager appreciate your team you make them feel valued you help them achieve high level of doing work.

In fact, lots of managers don't appreciate and that is for three reasons:

  •       They simply don't know? It is a matter of character.
  •       They think if they appreciate their team they will be big headed.
  •       Mangers think that appreciation should be about big things and it should take about the big events.

You need to make a big standard of appreciation as a manager.


7-   They fail to plan or they plan in sufficiently.

You are as a manger you should spend your time on planning and planning doing the right things in the right time.

When you think about business leaders they start a business it required a time on developing in a show business plans:  visibility plan, continue the plan and later on marketing plan and PR plan and other kinds of plans.

When you plan as a manager you should be able to read the  future and visualize it, you could be able to deal with any kind of  possible of change so you can face it you can erase it you can make resolve it with the proper plan you can create it.

Managers still make mistakes when they come to the plan for example:

  •       When managers want to plan alone.
  •       Don't devote enough time and focus efforts on the plan.  
  •       When managers dream not, unrealistic plan just God knows.
  •       Develop a plan that not connect to a plan and it is very dangerous.

In brief, plan so essential   plan effectively and sufficiently involve your team connect your plan into innovation and prepare yourself and your organization to the next move.


8-   Caring about the PR outside the organization and forgetting about the PR inside it.

Good intonations managers might try to take organization to the next level by developing relations with agencies, organizations, partners, VIP or customers.

The truth is your team members are the real customers, the in notional users, the front line promoters, and the word of mouth.

It is all about the team and developing the relation with the team before anyone else. You know in business customers should be in the first it is true, but to me the team should be first. In the business customers are the core and it is true, but to me the team should be in the core.

If you want to make a successful business don't go outside start from inside and believe me your team will help you to convent the organization.

Invest them and in that place, care about them, respect them and respect that place.

Add value to them and that place and when you do that your team members can go outside and start build profitable relations.   


9-   They shouldn't be managers in the first place.

They don't behave like managers, they don't act like managers, they don't speak like managers, they don't even dress like managers and they don't show the best image of management.

There is no clear difference between him him and the team members; there is no healthy gap between him and others. There should be a gap in knowledge, skills, experience and maybe age.  Business understands that and love understands that.

When there is a positive gap your team can learn from you, they feel they are safe with you and in the right direction, the one who is distinguishes from others.


Team members will take you as a role model, blue ocean manager.

The one who is distinguishes from others.

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